
Saturday, May 28, 2011

Poll: Book vs. Kindle

Are people still reading books, or they prefer the new kindles?
Would like to have your opinions on this!


  1. I tried kindle once...was horrible. I've got lots of pdf files and I asked them if I got the kindle if in addition to purchasing books from them, I could also upload the other pdfs and they said no problem at all. I bought one, tried it and it didn't work.

    I complained and then they said they don't really support it at the time so I sent it back and got my money back. I love the idea of being able to read on the go but unil they have a device which does not force you to buy from one source only I cannot recommend kindle. For me it was not worth the money.

  2. im for books all the way!! i always liked the fact that you had to physically turn the pages; gives me a sense of accomplishment. negative is probably all the trees they have to chop down for all these books, but...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. For me to go to the bookshop to choose the next book to read is a sort of a ritual. You hung around the shelves looking for some cover to catch your sight, or look for your favorite author and anxiously check if his/her latest work is already out, and when you finally find it you start to flick the pages trying to guess if it worths all those expectations!
    Where is all this magic with Kindles? on their side: they are cheaper to buy, you can save room and trees, handy to read on the go.
